Liaison between industry and researchers

With the increasing dependence of companies on outsourcing and even open innovation for their R&D needs, the need to achieve effective communication between industry and Universities and other research providers is increasingly urgent and essential.  With the best of intentions on both sides, unfortunately dialogue between industry and academia is often fraught with difficulties, and any resulting joint research programs can lead to disappointing outcomes for both parties, with neither’s real needs being met.  Too often the industry leaders who recognise the need for a technological solution, and the research leaders who can potentially provide it appear to speak different languages, and what is needed is an effective “translation” service to ensure that researchers provide acceptable solutions in a timely way, and industry provides support for researchers in ways that are beneficial to them.  otbSolutions Pty Ltd is uniquely qualified to provide this service, having worked for over17 years each in world leading Universities and multinational minerals and energy corporations.  otbSolutions Pty Ltd can complement the University liaison and industry liaison services in large corporations and Universities, respectively, or provide a complete service for smaller organisations.

The interface between Academia and Industry, when properly managed, can be a great source of innovation and creativity:

Academia Industry

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