Gordon M Parkinson – Publications and Presentations
Organic SolidState
- G M Parkinson, J M Thomas and J O Williams
J Phys C: SolidState Phys.7, L310 (1974)
“Analysis of trap depths in anthracene by thermal and optical release of injected charge carriers”. - G M Parkinson, M J Goringe, W Jones, W L Rees, J M Thomas and J O Williams
in “Developments in Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 1975”
ed J H Venables (London: Academic), p315 (1975).
“Electron induced damage in organic molecular crystals: some observations and theoretical considerations”. - G M Parkinson, M J Goringe, W Jones, J M Thomas and J O Williams
in “Developments in Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 1975”
ed J H Venables (London: Academic), p325 (1975).
“Characterisation of extended faults in organic molecular crystals using the transmission electron microscope”. - G M Parkinson, J M Thomas, J O Williams, M J Goringe and L W Hobbs
J Chem Soc Perkin II, 836 (1976).
“The suggested role of partial dislocations in the single crystal <-> single crystal phase transition of a cyclo-octane molecular cationic salt”. - W L Rees, M J Goringe, G M Parkinson, J O Williams and J M Thomas
in “Developments in Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 1977”
ed D L Misell (Institute of Physics: Bristol), p415 (1977).
“Phase transformations in organic molecular solids”. - G M Parkinson, M J Goringe and J M Thomas
in “Developments in Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 1977”
ed D L Misell (Institute of Physics: Bristol), p419 (1977).
“The radiation-induced topotactic conversion of di-para anthracene to anthracene: an electron microscopic study. - M J Goringe, G M Parkinson and J M Thomas
in “Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on High Voltage Electron Microscopy, Kyoto, 1977″ p149 (1977).
“The study of organic molecular crystals by high voltage electron microscopy”. - G M Parkinson, M J Goringe, J M Thomas, S Ramdas and J O Williams
in “The Fourth European Crystallographic Meeting, Oxford, 1977″ p685 (1977).
“New insights concerning the crystal structure of anthracene” - G M Parkinson, W Rees, M J Goringe, W Jones, S Ramdas, J M Thomas and
J O Williams.
in “Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Conference: 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of Electron Diffraction” p172 (1978).
“The study of topochemical conversions and phase transitions in organic molecular crystals by electron diffraction”. - G M Parkinson
J de Physique ColloqueC2, 58 (1978).
“Electron microscopic identification and chemical consequences of extended defects in organic molecular crystals” (invited lecture) - G M Parkinson, M J Goringe, S Ramdas, J O Williams and J M Thomas
J C S Chemical Communications, 134 (1978).
“A new phase of crystalline anthracene: its importance in solid state dimerisation”. - G M Parkinson, J M Thomas, M J Goringe and D A Smith
Chemical Physics Letters 63, 436 (1979)
“Planar faults in crystalline anthracene”. - H Nakanishi, G M Parkinson, W Jones and J M Thomas
Israel Journal of Chemistry18, 261 (1979)
“Topotactic and topochemical conversions of distyrylpyrazine”. - H Nakanishi, W Jones and G M Parkinson
Acta Cryst.B35, 3103 (1979)
“2,5-Distyrylpyrazine (DSP) – 1,4-Bis 2-(2-pyridyl)vinyl benzene (P2VB): a photopolymerizable mixed crystal”. - S Ramdas, G M Parkinson, J M Thomas, C M Grammacioli, G Filippini, M Simonetta and M J Goringe
Nature284, 153 (1980)
“Determination of the crystal structure of metastable anthracene by a novel method”. - C M Grammacioli, G Filipini, M Simonetta, S Ramdas, G M Parkinson and J M Thomas
J C S Faraday II76, 1336 (1980)
“Structure and dynamics of a new phase of anthracene”. - R Eiremann, G M Parkinson, H Bassler and J M Thomas
J Phys Chem86, 313 (1982)
“Amorphous Organic Molecular Solids. Vapour Deposited Tetracene”. - R Eiremann, G M Parkinson, H Bassler and J M Thomas
J Phys Chem 87, 544 (1983).
“Structural investigations of Amorphous Tetracene and Pentacene by Low-Temperature Electron Diffraction”.Electron and Atomic Force Microscopy Development
- C B Scruby, P M Williams, G S Parry, G M Parkinson and G Tatlock
in “Developments in Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 1975”
ed J H Venables (London: Academic), p377 (1975).
“Diffraction evidence for Kohn anomaly imaging of the Fermi surface in the layer dichalcogenides”. - G M Parkinson, W Jones and (in part) J M Thomas
in “Electron microscopy at molecular dimensions” ed W Baumeister and W Vogell (Springer Verlag: Heidleberg) p208 (1980)
“Electron microscopy at liquid helium temperatures”. - B G Williams, G M Parkinson, C J Eckhardt, J M Thomas and T Sparrow
Chemical Physics Letters78, 434 (1981)
“A new approach to the measurement of the momentum densities in solids using an electron microscope”. - G M Parkinson and D White
Proc XIth Congress on Electron Microscopy, Kyoto p331 (1986)
“The application of a controlled atmosphere reaction cell for studying electroactive polymers by TEM”. - G M Parkinson
Inst Phys Conf Ser No 90, Proc EMAG 87, Manchester, p 89 (1987)
“In situ controlled atmosphere transmission electron microscopy
(CATEM): studies at 400 kV” - G M Parkinson
Catalysis Letters2, 303 (1989)
“High resolution, in situ controlled atmosphere transmission electron microscopy (CATEM) of heterogeneous catalysts”. - G M Parkinson, P D Billyard, M J Goringe and N J Long
Proc 47th meeting Electron Microscopical Society of America, San Antonio, p 646 (1989)
“Transmission electron microscopical studies of chemical rearrangements in bismuth uranium oxide”. - P D Billyard, M J Goringe and G M Parkinson
Inst Phys Conf Ser No 98 Proc EMAG – MICRO 89, London, p 235 (1989)
“In and ex situ transmission electron microscopy studies of heterogeneous catalysts”.
“Electron microscopy of carbon supported catalysts”. - G M Parkinson
Trans Royal Microsc Soc1, 65 (1990)
“Controlled environment electron microscopy of catalysts”. - H D Cochrane, J L Hutchison, D White, G M Parkinson, C Dupas and A J Scott
Ultramicroscopy, 34, 10 (1990)
“HREM and CETEM studies of catalytic cerias”. - G M Parkinson
Inst Phys Conf Ser No 119 Proc EMAG 91, Bristol, p151 (1991)
“Controlled environment transmission electron microscopy (CETEM) of catalysts”. - L Hayes, G M Parkinson, G Pruett and J Buglass,
Inst Phys Conf Ser No 119 Proc EMAG 91, Bristol, p151 (1991)
“Transmission electron microscopy of intermediate modulus carbon fibres”. - R C Doole, G M Parkinson and J M Stead,
Inst Phys Conf Ser No 119 Proc EMAG 91, Bristol, p151 (1991)
“A high resolution gas reaction cell for the JEM 4000”. - R C Doole, G M Parkinson, J L Hutchison, M J Goringe and P J F Harris,
JEOL News, 30E No 2, 30 (1992)
“A high resolution, analytical in situ gas reaction cell”. - F L Lim, S Venkatesh, G A W West, S Freij, A L Rohl, M M Reyhani and G M Parkinson
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (1998) (Singapore)
“An image processing approach to monitor crystals growth”Crystallisation
Oil & Gas
- W J Benton, I R Collins, S D Cooper, I M Grimsey, G M Parkinson and S A Rodger,
Faraday Discussion No 95, 281 (1993)
“The nucleation, growth and inhibition of barium sulphate – controlled modification with organic and inorganic additives”. - P J F Harris, M J Goringe, G M Parkinson and R C Doole,
Inst Phys Conf Ser No 119 Proc EMAG 91, Bristol, p151 (1991)
“Studies of supported metal catalysts by conventional and controlled environment TEM”. - J G Buglass, G M Parkinson, A Howie and S R Tennison
Trans Royal Microsc Soc1, 71 (1990)
“Controlled environment electron microscopy of model ruthenium catalysts”. - J G Buglass, S R Tennison and G M Parkinson
Catal Today7, 209 (1990)
Mineral Processing
- G M Parkinson
Proc Fourth Intl. Alumina Quality Workshop (Darwin, NT), (1996), suppl.
“Crystallization – from Mountains to Materials” - M Lee, G M Parkinson, F Lincoln and P Smith
Proc Fourth Intl. Alumina Quality Workshop (Darwin, NT), (1996), 217
“Microscopic and macroscopic observations of variabilities in the growth rates of gibbsite crystals” - M Lee, A L Rohl, J D Gale, G M Parkinson and F J Lincoln
Trans I ChemE74(A), 739 (1996)
“The influence of metal ion inclusion on the morphology of gibbsite” - D S Rossiter, D Ilievski, P G Smith and G M Parkinson
Trans I ChemE74(A), 828 (1996)
“The mechanism of sodium gluconate poisoning of gibbsite precipitation” - M M Reyhani and G M Parkinson
Proc 13th Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Toulouse, 1996, p61-66
“The origin of the secondary nuclei produced by contact nucleation during the crystallization of Ni and Zn sulphates” - M M Reyhani and G M Parkinson
J Cryst. Growth, 166, 1068 (1996)
“A comparison of secondary nuclei produced by contact of different growth faces of potash alum crystals under supersaturated solution” - K R Bauchspeiss, T Murata, G M Parkinson, P Sipos and H R Watling:
J. Phys. IV France 7, C2-485 (1997)
“Aluminium K edge XAFS of gibbsite and related compounds - M Lee, G M Parkinson, P G Smith, F J Lincoln and M M Reyhani
ACS Symposium Series 667 Separation and Purification by Crystallization, 1997, Chapter 12, 123-133
“Characterization of aluminium trihydroxide crystals precipitated from caustic solutions” - M M Reyhani and G M Parkinson
ACS Symposium Series 667 Separation and Purification by Crystallization, 1997,
Chapter 3, 28 – 35
“Source of nuclei in contact nucleation as revealed by crystallization of isomorphous alums” - G M Parkinson, D Ilievski and A L Rohl
Chem. In Aust.,64, 11 (1997)
“Crystallizing minerals: from bucket chemistry to molecular engineering” - S Friej, M M Reyhani and G M Parkinson
Appl. Phys. (1998) A66 S507 – 511
“An AFM investigation of the mechanism of secondary nucleation induced by contact” - S Lloyd, S M Thurgate, R M Cornell and G M Parkinson
Appl. Surf. Sci (1998) 135 178-182
“Atomic force microscopy of gibbsite” - JD Gale, AL Rohl, HR WAtling and GM Parkinson
J Phys Chem B (1998) 102, 10372 – 10382
“Theoretical investigation of the nature of aluminium-containing species present in alkaline solution” - D S Rossiter, P D Fawell, D Ilievski and G M Parkinson
J. Cryst. Growth191 (1998) 525-536
“Investigation of the unseeded nucleation of gibbsite, Al(OH)3, from synthetic Bayer liquors” - S D Fleming, G M Parkinson and A L Rohl
J. Cryst. Growth,178, 402 (1997)
“Predicting the occurrence of reflection twins” - S Friej, M Ryhani and GM Parkinson
Proc Intl Conf on Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, 1997 (STM ’97) p. 333
“An AFM investigation of the mechanisms of secondary nucleation induced by contact” - S Friej, M Ryhani and GM Parkinson
Proc Intl Conf on Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, 1997 (STM ’97) p. 67
“Direct observation of the growth of gibbsite crystals by atomic force microscopy” - M-Y Lee and G M Parkinson
J. Cryst. Growth (1999) 198/199, 270-274
“Growth rates of gibbsite single crystals determined using in situoptical microscopy” - M M Reyhani, AM Freij and G M Parkinson
J. Cryst. Growth (1999) 198/199, 258-263
“In situ atomic force microscopy investigation of secondary nuclei produced
by contact of different growth faces of potash alum under supersaturated solutions” - S Freij, M-Y Lee, M M Reyhani and G M Parkinson
Proc Fifth Int. Alumina Quality Workshop (Bunbury, WA) (1999) 41 – 50
“Investigation of the growth of gibbsite crystals by atomic force microscopy and optical microscopy” - J S C Loh, H R Watling and G M Parkinson
Proc Fifth Int. Alumina Quality Workshop (Bunbury, WA) (1999) 118 – 128
“The effect of sodium, potassium and caesium on gibbsite agglomeration in Bayer solutions” - C Vernon, G M Parkinson and D Lau
Proc Fifth Int. Alumina Quality Workshop (Bunbury, WA) (1999) 129 – 139
“Towards a fundamental rate equation for gibbsite growth in Bayer liquors” - G Sipos, M Shaw, U Seydel, GM Parkinson, AJ McKinnon, P Smith and J Kildea
Proc Fifth Int. Alumina Quality Workshop (Bunbury, WA) (1999) 425-436
“Quaternary amines as sodium oxalate seed stabilisers in Bayer liquor” - D S Rossiter, D Ilievski and G M Parkinson
Proc Fifth Int. Alumina Quality Workshop (Bunbury, WA) (1999) 171 – 180
“Sodium gluconate poisoning of primary and secondary nucleation of gibbsite from synthetic Bayer liquors” - M M Reyhani, A Dwyer, G M Parkinson, S P Rosenberg, S J Healy, L Armstrong, A Soirat and S Rowe
Proc Fifth Int. Alumina Quality Workshop (Bunbury, WA) (1999) 181 – 191
“Gibbsite nucleation at sodium oxalate surfaces” - A McKinnon, G M Parkinson and K Beckham
Proc Fifth Int. Alumina Quality Workshop (Bunbury, WA) (1999) 192 – 200
“A rate equation for crystallization of sodium oxalate under Bayer conditions” - G Sipos, M Shaw, U Seydel, G M Parkinson, A McKinnon, P Smith and J Kildea
Proc Fifth Int. Alumina Quality Workshop (Bunbury, WA) (1999) 425 – 436
“Quaternary amines as sodium oxalate seed stabilizers in Bayer liquor” - J D Gale, A L Rohl, H R Watling and G M Parkinson
J. Phys. Chem. B (1999) 102 10372
‘Theoretical investigation of the nature of aluminium-containing species present in alkaline solution” - G Sipos, JD Kildea and GM Parkinson
Proc. 14th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallisation (1999)
“The role of quaternary amines in the inhibition of sodium oxalate crystal growth in Bayer liquor” - M M Reyhani, A Dwyer, G M Parkinson, S P Rosenberg, S J Healy, L Armstrong, A Soirat, S Rowe and CJ van den Hoogenhof
Proc. 14th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallisation (1999)
“Crystallisation of sodium oxalate in the Bayer process” - JS Loh, HR Watling and GM Parkinson
Proc. 14th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallisation (1999)
“The effects of sodium, potassium and caesium on gibbsite precipitation from Bayer solutions” - M-Y Lee, GM Parkinson and K Tsukamoto (1999)
Proc. 14th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallisation (1999)
“The use of rapid dynamic light scattering to investigate the kinetics of gibbsite crystal growth” - A Fogg, A L Rohl, G M Parkinson and D O’Hare
Chem. Mater. (1999) 11, 1194-1200
“Predicting Guest Orientations in Layered Double Hydroxide Intercalates” - S Fleming, A Rohl and G M Parkinson
J. Cryst. Growth (2000) 209, 159-166
“Atomistic modelling of gibbsite:surface structure and morphology” - JS Loh, AM Fogg, HR Watling, GM Parkinson and D O”Hare
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2000) 2, 3597 – 3604
“A kinetic investigation of gibbsite precipitation using in situtime resolved energy dispersive X-ray diffraction” - S D Fleming, A L Rohl, S C Parker and G M Parkinson
J. Phys. Chem. B (2001) 105, 5099 – 5105
“Atomistic Modelling of Gibbsite:Cation Incorporation” - J S C Loh, H R Watling and G M Parkinson
Light Metals (2001) 127-133
“Alkali Cations – Role and effect on gibbsite crystallization” - F Jones, JM Clegg, AP Oliveira, AL Rohl, MI Ogden, GM Parkinson, AM Fogg and MM Reyhani
Cryst Eng Comm (2001) 40, 1-3
“Anomalous behaviour within a systematic series of barium sulfate growth modifiers” - F Jones, A L Rohl, M I Ogden and G M Parkinson
Materials Forum (2001) 25, 116 – 135
“Scale formation and inhibition” - M Mocerino, MI Ogden, A Oliveira, GM Parkinson and Y Vo
13th International Conference on Crystal Growth, Kyoto, Japan, July 2001
“Shaping crystals with macrocycles.” - M Mocerino, MI Ogden, A Oliveira, GM Parkinson and Y Vo
26th International Symposium on Macrocycle Chemistry, Fukuoka, Japan, July 2001
“Water-soluble chiral calixarenes as crystal growth modifiers.” - A M Fogg, A J Freij and G M Parkinson
Chemistry of Materials (2002) 14, 232-234
“Synthesis and anion exchange chemistry of rhombohedral Li/Al layered double hydroxides” - A M Fogg, A J Freij, A Oliveira, A L Rohl, M I Ogden and G M Parkinson
Journal of Crystal Growth (2002) 234, 255-262
“Morphological control of Ca3Al12(OH)12“ - A M Fogg, A J Freij, A L Rohl, M I Ogden and G M Parkinson
J. Phys. Chem. B (2002) 106, 5820-5826
“Towards a Fundamental Understanding of Molecular Recognition: A Synthetic and Computational Study of Morphological Control of Ca3Al2(OH)12” - M Loan, G M Parkinson, M Newman and J Farrow
J. Cryst. Growth (2002) 235, 482-488
“Iron oxy-hydroxide crystallization in a hydrometallurgical residue” - F Jones, A Oliveira, A L Rohl, G M Parkinson, M I Ogden, M M Reyhani
Journal of Crystal Growth237-239 (2002) 424-429
“Investigation into the effect of phosphonate inhibitors on barium sulfate precipitation” - J Lowe, M Ogden, A McKinnon and G M Parkinson
Journal of Crystal Growth237-239 (2002) 408-413
“Crystal growth of sodium oxalate from aqueous solution” - GM Parkinson, F Jones, MM Reyhani, AM Fogg, W Boonwanich, MI Ogden, A Oliveira and AL Rohl
World Congress on Particle Technology 4, Sydney, Australia, July 2002.
“Control of crystal morphology through rational additive design” - JL Lowe, P Smith, AL Rohl and GM Parkinson
15th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Sorrento, Italy, September 2002.
“Understanding incorporation of impurity ions into DSP in the Bayer process ” - P Smith, J Lowe AL Rohl R Pennifold, GM Parkinson
Proc. 6th International Alumina Quality Workshop, Brisbane, September 2002
“Understanding growth of DSP in the presence of inorganic ions” - S Muryanto, H_M Ang and GM Parkinson
2nd World Engineering Conference (2002), pps 102-109
“Crystallisaqtion kinetics of calcium sulphate dehydrate in the presence of additives” - S Muryanto, H_M Ang, E Santoso and GM Parkinson
Proceedings of RSCE and 16th SOMChE (2002) pps 1-9
“Gypsum scaling in isothermal flow systems” - Suharso, GM Parkinson and MI Ogden
Proc 17th Australian Conference on Electron Microscopy, Adelaide, Australia
“The mechanism of borax crystallization using in situoptical microscopy and AFM” - MM Reyhani, A Oliveira, GM Parkinson, F Jones, AL Rohl and MI Ogden
Proc 17th Australian Conference on Electron Microscopy, Adelaide, Australia
“In situcharacterization of calcite growth and inhibition using Atomic Force Microscopy” - M M Reyhani, A Oliveira, G M Parkinson,F Jones, A L Rohl and M I Ogden
International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol 16, Nos 1&2 (2002) 25-33
“In situ characterization of calcite growth and inhibition using atomic force microscopy” - J S C Loh, H R Watling and G M Parkinson
Journal of Crystal Growth237-239 (2002) 2178-2182
“The effect of isotopic substitution of deuterium for hydrogen on the morphology of products precipitated from synthetic Bayer solutions” - A Stanley, CF Vernon and GM Parkinson
Proc. 6th International Alumina Quality Workshop, Brisbane, September 2002
“The location of sodium ions in the gibbsite structure” - F Jones, A Stanley, A Oliveira, A L Rohl, M M Reyhani, G M Parkinson and M I Ogden
Journal of Crystal Growth249 (2003) 584-593
“The role of phosphonate on the inhibition of barium sulfate precipitation” - F Jones, M I Ogden, A Oliveira, G M Parkinson and W R Richmond
CrystEngComm, 2003, 5(30), 159–163
“The effect of phosphonate-based growth modifiers on the morphology of hematite nanoparticles formed via acid hydrolysis of ferric chloride solutions” - F Jones, A Stanley, A Oliveira, AL Rohl, MM Reyhani, GM Parkinson, MI Ogden
J. Cryst. Growth (2003) 249, 584-593
“The role of phosphonate speciation on the inhibition of barium sulfate precipitation”, - F Jones, MI Ogden, A Oliveira, GM Parkinson, WR Richmond
Cryst. Eng. Comm. (2003), 5(30), 159-163
“The effect of phosphonate-based growth modifiers on the morphology of hematite nanoparticles formed via acid hydrolysis of ferric chloride solutions” - WR Richmond, M Loan, GM Parkinson, R Hart and J Crowley
Joint AXAA (WA) and WASEM Conference, Wooroloo, Australia, September 2003.
“Morphological and Structural Aspects of Schwermannite: An Iron Oxy-Hydroxide Sulphate” - GM Parkinson
12th Larson Workshop, Connecticut, USA, September 2003.
“Control of Crystallization Through Modelling at the Molecular Level” - SJ Freij, GM Parkinson, MM Reyhani
J. Cryst. Growth (2004) 260, 232-242
“Direct observation of the growth of gibbsite crystals by atomic force microscopy”, - F Jones, A Oliveira, GM Parkinson, AL Rohl, A Stanley, T Upson
J. Cryst. Growth (2004) 262, 572-580
“The effect of calcium ions on the precipitation of barium sulphate 1: calcium ions in the absence of organic additives” - SJ Freij, GM Parkinson, MM Reyhani
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys (2004) 6, pp 1049 – 1055
“Atomic force microscopy study of the growth mechanism of gibbsite crystals”, - MM Reyhani, M Cheah, A Oliveira, M Ogden and GM Parkinson
Australian Conference on Microscopy & Microanalysis 18(ACMM – 18), 1-6 February 2004
“In situ investigation of the effects of gallic acid on potash alum crystals using optical and atomic force microscopy” - F Lee, GM Parkinson, M Reyhani, W van Bronswijk and C Vernon
The fourteenth International Conference on Crystal Growth, Alpes Congres, Grenoble, France, 9-13 August 2004.
“Probing the gibbsite-solution interface using in situAtomic Force Microscopy” - FA Lee, GM Parkinson, M Ryhani, W van Bronswijk and CF Vernon
Proc. XIXth Intl Conf on Raman Spectroscopy (2004) pps 230 – 231
“Single crystal Raman studies of six-fold gibbsite twins” - WR Richmond, M Loan, J Morton, GM Parkinson
Environ. Sci. Technol (2004)38, pp 2368 – 2372
“Arsenic removal from aqueous solution via ferrihydrite crystallization control”, - F Jones, A Oliviera, GM Parkinson, AL Rohl, A Stanley, T Upson
Journal of Crystal Growth (2004) 270, pp 593 – 603
“The effect of calcium cations on the precipitation of barium sulfate 2: calcium ions in the presence of organic additives” - WR Richmond, JG Hockridge, M Loan, GM Parkinson
Chemistry of Materials (2004) 16 (17) pp 3203 –3205
“A New Iron Oxyhydroxide Phase: The Molybdate-Substituted Analogue of Akaganeite” - M Loan, JM Cowley, R Hart, GM Parkinson (2004)
American Mineralogist (2004) 89 pp 1735 – 1742
“Evidence on the structure of synthetic schwertmannite” - M Loan, WR Richmond, JG Hockridge, TG St Pierre, RD Hart, M Newman, JB Farrow and GM Parkinson
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (2005), pps 13 – 31
“Characterization of iron III oxyhydroxides in hydrometallurgical residues” - M Mocerino, MJ Bartlett, MI Ogden, AP Oliveira, GM Parkinson, JK Patterson and M Reyhani
J Mat Sci and Tech (2005) 21, 1-5
“Amino acid modifies calixarenes as crystal growth modifiers” - F Jones, MI Ogden, GM Parkinson and AL Rohl
Cryst Eng Comm (2005) 7, 320 – 323
“Comparison of the effect of inhibitors have on an isostructural pair of salts” - M Loan, GM Parkinson and WR Richmond
American Mineralogist (2005) 90, 258 – 261
“The effect of zinc sulfide on phase transformation of ferrihydrite” - H Smith, GM Parkinson and RD Hart
J Cryst Growth (2005) 275, e1665 – e1671
“In situabsorption of molybdate and vanadate during precipitation of hydrotalcite from sodium aluminate solutions” - F Jones, M Mocerino, MI Ogden, AP Oliveira and GM Parkinson
Crystal Growth and Design (2005) 5, 2336 – 2343
“Bio-inspired calyx[4]arene additives for crystal growth modification of inorganic materials” - WR Richmond, M Loan, M Newman and GM Parkinson
Hydrometallurgy (2005) 78, 172 – 179
“Zinc sulfide as a solid phase additive for improving the processing characteristics of ferrihydrite residues” - SJH Freij and GM Parkinson
Hydrometallurgy (2005) 78, 246 – 255
“Surface morphology and crystal growth mechanism of gibbsite in industrial Bayer liquors” - M Loan, WR Richmond and GM Parkinson
- F Lee, W van Bronswijk, GM Parkinson, MM Reyhani and C Vernon
Proc. 7th Intl. Alumina Quality Workshop, Perth, Australia October 2005
“An investigation of twinning phenomena in gibbsite” - F Jones, A Rohl, M Ogden, G Parkinson
16th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallisation, Dresden, Germany,
September 2005
“Scale Formation and Inhibition” - JL Lowe, AL Rohl, JD Gale, PG Smith and GM Parkinson
Molecular Simulation (2006) 32, 35-44
“Incorporation of impurity anions into DSP: insights into structure and stability from computer modeling” - M Loan, OMG Newman, JB. Farrow and GM. Parkinson
Third International Symposium on Iron Control in Hydrometallurgy, (2006),paper 43.5
“A study of ferrihydrite precipitation in the Zinifex Paragoethite process” - M. Loan,OMG Newman, RMG Cooper, JB Farrow and GM Parkinson
Hydrometallurgy(2006), 81(2) 104-129
“Defining the Paragoethite process for iron removal in zinc hydrometallurgy” - F Jones, AP Oliveira, AL Rohl, MI Ogden and GM Parkinson
CrystEngComm (2006) 8, 869 – 876
“Understanding the mechanism by which nitrilotriacetic acid interacts with precipitating barium sulphate” - U Aschauer, F Jones, WR Richmond, P Bowen, AL Rohl, GM Parkinson and H Hofmann
J Cryst Growth (2008) 310, 688-698
“Growth modification of hematite by phosphonate additives” - GM Parkinson
Sir Mark Oliphant Conference 2010 Cleantech Science and Solutions – Mainstream and at the Edge, MelbourneAustralia, May 2010
“The grand challenge – energy efficient aluminium” – add link to text - MJ Mora-Fonz, CRA Catlow and Gordon M. Parkinson
In preparation
“DFT calculations on Al cluster species in solvation” - MJ Mora-Fonz, CRA Catlow and Gordon M. Parkinson
In preparation
“DFT calculations on condensation of Al cluster species” - Yu-Lun Chiang, Jeeten Nathoo, Gordon Parkinson and Alison Lewis
Submitted to Hydrometallurgy
“Gibbsite aggregation during Bayer crystallisation in the presence of an antisolvent: A batch feasibility study” - M Ogden, D Brown, G Nealon and GM Parkinson
In preparation
“Light switchable crystal growth modifiers”Sugars
- T D Dincer, G M Parkinson, A L Rohl and M Ogden
Proc. Crystal Growth of Organic Materials 4 (1997) (Bremen, Germany), 25
“Crystallisation of a-lactose monohydrate from DMSO solutions: Influence of b – lactose” - T D Dincer, G M Parkinson, A L Rohl and M Ogden
J. Cryst. Growth (1999) 205, 368-374
“Crystallisation of α-lactose monohydrate from dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solutions: influence of β-lactose” - TD Dincer, MI Ogden and GM Parkinson
J Cryst Growth (2009) 311, 1352 – 1358
“In situ investigation of growth rates and growth rate dispersion of α-lactose monohydrate crystals” - TD Dincer, MI Ogden and GM Parkinson
J Cryst Growth (2009) 311, 2427 – 2432
“Crystal growth mechanisms of the (010) face of α-lactose monohydrate crystals”Biomineralisation
- J Fulton, IT Low, M Reyhani and GM Parkinson
Proc Intl Conf on Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, 1997 (STM ’97) p. 306
“Atomic force microscopy and indentation responses of human teeth” - G M Parkinson
Current Opinion in Urology (1998) 8:301-308
“Crystal-macromolecule interactions in urolithiasis: lessons from healthy biomineralization systems” - D Fleming, I Doyle, N Evans, V Marshall, GM Parkinson RL Ryall
Kidney stones: Proc. 8th European Symposium on Urolithiasis (1999)
“Proteins associated with calcium oxalate crystals formed in human urine are intracrystalline” - Jones, F, Mocerino, M, Ogden, MI, Oliveira, A & Parkinson, GM (2005),
Crystal Growth & Design, 5, (6), pp.2336-2343
“Bio-Inspired Calix[4]arene Additives for Crystal Growth Modification of Inorganic Materials” - M Ogden, M Mocerino, A Oliveira, G Parkinson, M Reyhani
International Chemical Congress of PacificBasin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2005), Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2005
“Crystal surface recognition using bio-inspired, water-soluble, chiral calixarenes” - E Bovell, N Gorham, N Kirby, C Buckley, M Saunders, G Parkinson, T St Pierre
Nanotechnology, the building block for tomorrow’s advanced technology, Perth, Australia, July 2005
“Pathelogical iron oxide nanoparticles in iron loaded rat liver: In situ measurement of iron oxide nanoparticle sizes using X-ray scattering and magnetic energy barrier measurements” - J Hockridge, W Richmond, N Gorham, G Parkinson, T St Pierre, M Saunders
Nanotechnology, the building block for tomorrow’s advanced technology, Perth, Australia, July 2005
“Ferrihydrite: Characterisation of a Natural Nanomaterial” - G Parkinson, M Ogden, F Jones, A Rohl, B Richmond
2005 Sir Mark Oliphant Conference – BioNano, the next frontier, Brisbane, Australia, December 2005
“Nanochemistry solutions to the next generation of biomaterials” - NT Gorham, TG St Pierre, W Chua-Anusorn and GM Parkinson
J Appl Phys (2008) 103, 054302-1 – 054302-5
“Magnetic energy-barrier distributions for ferrihydrite nanoparticles formed by reconstituting ferritin”
- M Loan, GM Parkinson, AL Rohl, OMG Newman and JB Farrow
World Congress on Particle Technology 4, Sydney, Australia, July 2002.
“Ferrihydrite: Natural nano scale to nonsense” - M Loan, GM Parkinson, OMG Newman and JB Farrow
15th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Sorrento, Italy, September 2002.
“An example of metastability at the nano scale: or is it?” - M Loan, TG St Pierre, GM Parkinson, OGM Newman and JB Farrow
Journal of Metals (2002) 54, pps 40-43
“Identifying Nanoscale Ferrihydrite in Hydrometallurgical Residues” - F Lee, W van Bronswijk, C Vernon and GM Parkinson
American Chemical Society Summer School, Physical Chemistry on the Nanometer Scale, Pullman, USA, July 2003.
“Nanoscale force measurements on synthetic and industrial gibbsite at high and low pH, using in situatomic force microscopy” - F Lee, W van Bronswijk, C Vernon, GM Parkinson and M Reyhani
International Frontiers of Science: Sir Mark Oliphant Conferences; Scaling Down to a Nano-Materials World, Melbourne, Australia, December 2003.
“Nanoscale force measurements on synthetic and industrial gibbsite at low and high pH” - MI Ogden, GM Parkinson, M Singh, C Buckley and J Connolly
Oz Nano 03, Cairns, Australia, November 2003.
“Nanoparticles via Delamination of Li/Al Layered Double Hydroxides” - GM Parkinson, F Jones, MI Ogden, A Oliveira, M Reyhani, WR Richmond and AL Rohl
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2003, Singapore, December 2003.
“Linking Additive Structures to Nanoparticle Properties” - GM Parkinson
Oz Nano 03, Cairns, Australia, November 2003.
“Crystallization as a Model for Controlling Self-Assembly and Structural Ordering at the Nanoscale” - B Pejcic, GM Parkinson and R De Marco
Australian Biosecurity CRC Workshop, Mooloolaba Outrigger Resort, Queensland, Australia, 22-24 November 2004
“Can biosensors play an active role in disease detection?” - GM Parkinson
Pacific Rim Conference in Nano Science, Broome, Western Australia, 7-11 September 2004.
“Nanoscience Opportunities” - GM Parkinson
2004 Australia-China Materials Science Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 22-23 October 2004.
“The role of Nanochemistry and Crystal Growth in Materials Science” - W Richmond, J Crowley, GM Parkinson and M Saunders
AXAA(WA) and WASEM Conference, Rottnest Island, Western Australia, 17-19 September 2004.
“An electron microscopy study on hollow b–FeOOH nanoparticles” - F Lee, GM Parkinson, M Reyhani, W van Bronswijk and C Vernon
Pacific Rim Conference in Nano Science, Broome, Western Australia, 7-11 September 2004.
“Nanoscale forces at the gibbsite-solution interface” - W Richmond, GM Parkinson and J Crowley
Pacific Rim Conference in Nano Science, Broome, Western Australia, 7-11 September 2004.
“Tubes, Tunnels and Whiskers: Nano-scale morphology of Iron Oxy-hydroxides” - B Pejcic, GM Parkinson and R De Marco
The Eighth World Congress on Biosensors, Granada, Spain, 24-26 May 2004.
“New Direction in Biosensor Research at the Australian Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre” - M Singh, MI Ogden, GM Parkinson, CE Buckley, J Connolly
J. Mater. Chem (2004) 14, pp 871 – 874
“Delamination and re-assembly of surfactant-containing Li/Al layered double hydroxides”, - M Singh, MI Ogden, GM Parkinson, CE Buckley, J Connolly
Proc Austceram & the 3rd Intl. Conf on Advanced Material Processing (2004) pps 48 – 49
“Delamination of surfactant containing Li/Al layered double hydroxides - WR Richmond, GM Parkinson, F Jones, MI Ogden, A Oliveira, MM Reyhani, and AL Rohl
Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials (2005), 23, 51-54
“Linking Additive Structures to Nanoparticle Properties”
J Cryst Growth (2005) 275, e1875 – e1881
“On the crystal growth of nanoscale Schwertmannite” - F Lee, G Parkinson, W van Bronswijk, M Reyhani, C Vernon
Nanotechnology, the building block for tomorrow’s advanced technology, Perth, Australia, July 2005
“Measuring Nanoscale Forces Between Mineral Surfaces using in situAtomic Force Microscopy” - N Gorham, L Harris, J Hockridge, W Richmond, G Parkinson, T St Pierre
Nanotechnology, the building block for tomorrow’s advanced technology, Perth, Australia, July 2005
“Probing the nanostructure and magnetic behaviour of iron oxide nanoparticles through the synthesis of isotopically enriched cores/shells” - R de Marco, B Pejcic, C Buckley, R Knott, G Parkinson
Nanotechnology, the building block for tomorrow’s advanced technology, Perth, Australia, July 2005
“Tools for Evaluating the Nanostructure of a Chalcogenide Membrane Electrochemical Sensor” - GM Parkinson
ICMAT 2005 – 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies,
Singapore, July 2005
“Creating Nanoporosity through Crystal Engineering” - WR Richmond, JM Cowley, GM Parkinson and M Saunders
Cryst Eng Comm (2006) 8, 36 – 40
“An electron microscopy study of β-FeOOH (akageneite) nanorods and nanotubes” - BB Pecjic, R demarco and GM Parkinson
The Analyst (2006) 131, 1079 – 1090
“The role of biosensors in the detection of emerging infectious diseases” - M Loan, OMG Newman, JB. Farrow and GM. Parkinson
Crystal Growth & Design, (2006), 6 (1), pp 79–86
“Continuous Reactive Crystallization of Nanoscale Six-Line Ferrihydrite” - U Aschauer, JG Hockridge, F Jones, M Loan, GM Parkinson and WR Richmond
Proc Intl Conf on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2006)
“Morphology control in the synthesis of iron oxide and oxyhydroxide nanoparticles” - M Loan, OGM Newman, JB Farrow and GM Parkinson
Cryst. Growth Des., (2008), 8 (4), pp 1384–1389
“Effect of Rate of Crystallization on the Continuous Reactive Crystallization of Nanoscale 6-Line Ferrihydrite”